Veröffentlicht am 09.08.2018
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Appar­ent­ly one of the big­gest pro­blems was a “but this is how we always do it” men­ta­li­ty at Lidl.

lost of 500 Million

Foun­ded on the belief that the power of human crea­ti­vi­ty can sol­ve even the big­gest challenges—and that the peo­p­le who are cra­zy enough to think they can chan­ge the world are the ones who do.

Stock mar­ket values Apple at more than $1 trillion.

Today we’­ve pas­sed a signi­fi­cant mile­stone… While we have much to be proud of in this achie­ve­ment, it’s not the most important mea­su­re of our suc­cess. Finan­cial returns are sim­ply the result of Apple’s inno­va­ti­on, put­ting our pro­ducts and cus­to­mers first, and always stay­ing true to our values.

It’s you, our team, that makes Apple gre­at and our suc­cess is due to your hard work, dedi­ca­ti­on and passion. 

In today’s world, our mis­si­on is more important than ever. Our pro­ducts not only crea­te moments of sur­pri­se and delight, they empower peo­p­le all around the glo­be to enrich their lives and the lives of others.

Our CUL­TU­RE ARENA„unique social inno­va­ti­on are foun­ded by lead­green© to trans­form cul­tu­re „but this is how we always do it“ and empower curio­si­ty, the belief that the power of human crea­ti­vi­ty can sol­ve even the big­gest challenges.

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